Category Archives: vacation

Is Stealing Wrong? I Need…

Last week, instead of doing the 25 Random Things About Me thingy, I stole this idea from Slackermama and came up with this.
I discovered that I kind of like stealing.  

So this week, I stole this idea from Coal Miner’s Grandaughter, who is quite funny when she wants to be.
So here is the product of my most recent thieving.  Enjoy!
I need
…a few more hours in each day.
…a few more minutes in each hour.
…a warm, sunshine-filled, palm tree-laden vacation (see above).
….to love my husband on purpose.
…to make the bed more often.
…to learn to let things go.
…to laugh with my friends.
…to laugh with my kids.
…to enjoy the present.
photo credit:  sirtrentalot 

Inexpensive Family Fun

One of the things I quickly realized after relocating to the Midwest, is that down-to-earth, fiscally responsible Midwesterners have an affinity for the state of Florida. 

photo credit:  Jenah Crump

But in this difficult financial year, even Midwesterners are re-thinking their annual pilgrimage south.  Are you looking for inexpensive family fun closer to home?  To find out how my family enjoys the winter months without breaking the bank, check out my article over at Midwest Parents today.midwest parents button