Have you ever noticed how often life gets in the way of Life?
Category Archives: perspective
My Favorite Assembly Did Not Include Lindsay Lohan
In the sixth grade we had my most favorite assembly ever. It was far better than the here’s-how-the-body-works and the here’s-what-drugs-do-to-you assemblies we were forced to endure in later years. No, this one, fun day we all gathered together in the cool of the gym to watch…The Parent Trap. I loved it. Loved it! It remains one my my favs today.
So, a few years back when Hollywood decided to replace the fantastic Hayley Mills with little Miss Lindsay Lohan, I didn’t like the idea one bit. Remake my favorite childhood film? So wrong. How could they?
But they did, and I’ll just go ahead and admit that I think they did a fine job. Yes, they changed a thing or two, but I was very pleasantly surprised to find that they kept the essentials and stayed true to the feel of the original, in my fancy movie watching opinion. And Miss Lohan? I thought she was perfect in the role. Just perfect.
I liked her in Mean Girls, too. She had it going on, that one.
So I’m sad to watch her self-destruct like this. Seriously, sweetheart, get your act together. There’s a great big world of life out there, and you’ve got all the extras…you just need to get a grip on the basics.
My boys? They like the Parent Trap, too, but I don’t think they’re as attached as I was. So as long as Daniel Radcliff doesn’t go off the deep end, they’ll be just fine.