Right off the bat, let’s get this out of the way: we are not, by any stretch of the imagination, the most organized family on the block. We like order. We crave it, even. But with 85 million legos and 14 footballs, plus myriad scooters, tennis balls, lacrosse sticks, and soccer balls, we have a very small chance of winning a “Most Organized Family” prize on any given day of the week.
There are a few areas where we shine. (Don’t look in my vehicle – that’s NOT one of them.) A few months ago, when I posted about
our locker project,
phd in yogurty left this comment:
“Please tell me it stays neat like that forever.”
At the time, I had my doubts. But we added a few bins, set the expectations, and voila! Our kitchen counter may be overflowing with of random piles of paper, but our lockers are neat and tidy, people. Neat and tidy.

(Boys currently at school = no coats or backpacks on hooks. Even tidier!)
What does this really mean?
We can find school papers!
We can find boots and gloves and all the rest of that bitter-cold winter stuff.
We can usually find a few extra socks down in the shoe bins. Not clean ones, mind you, but still.
We can hide stuff in the baskets when company’s coming over.
We like how it looks when we walk in the door.
If you don’t have lockers, you have a couple of options. Build some, like we did. Or be creative with the space you have to achieve the same outcome. Find a place for shoes, backpacks, and mittens, and you, too, will be able to find dirty socks, whenever you need them.