Ah, the Bailout. Just a little topic we like to obsess about over lunch these days, right?
What will happen to our money? Our jobs? Our entire economy?
Who, in his or her right mind, would WANT to be President right now?
At any rate, I have no financial background whatsoever. I am good at budgeting, saving, giving, and living within my means. I am not good at explaining complex funds, engaging in tricky financial deals, or watching my 401K balance do a nosedive. I do not understand short sells and I have no desire to ever work on Wall Street. Thank goodness, apparently.
So today, with questions about the economy hovering like swarms of mosquitos, I point you to the New York Times, and a column by Ron Lieber, called “
Is My Money Safe? and Other Questions to Ask.” I found Mr. Lieber understandable, straightforward, and (sort-of) re-assuring, so I thought I’d pass it along.
It seems better than my advice, which is to stick your head in the sand and ignore your 401K balances for the next few years. Because, you know, that’s my plan.