Category Archives: fall
My Favorite Season
This summer has been filled with friends and books and long days at the cottage. I love these days without rushed schedules and juggling mealtimes. It’s such a treat to be able to make dinner whenever we’re all hungry, without working it around a meeting or practice or game. Summer is a solidifying force in our family, and I aim to keep it that way.
That said, summer isn’t my favorite time of year. It’s not even close. Fall wins, every time.

But fall stands alone as my favorite, year after year. I love the colors of the leaves, the cooler days and much cooler nights, but more than anything, it’s the sense of renewal that calls me. You might think this would happen in January, when the rest of the world is celebrating the start of a new year, or in the summer, when we have more family time than we could even imagine at other times of year. But it doesn’t. For me, the new year begins in the fall.
It’s just around the corner now, and I’ll embrace it when it arrives, but I’m not wishing summer away yet. I’m still looking forward to sunny days at the beach and reading books in the hammock. I’m still enjoying walking to the farmer’s market and making dinner when the need arises. I’m still taking advantage of these slower schedules to create memories with my kids. Every season has its perks, after all.
photo credit: graybeard763