Category Archives: birthdays

Once Upon A Time…

there was just one baby.  Then two.  And, finally, three.

For years there were diapers and naps and babysitters.  Every mother understands these years; wonderful and exhausting.  But fleeting?  It didn’t seem that way at the time.  
Yet here we are, nine years later, and baby number three only has a year left until double digits.  Can we slow this thing down?!
Happy Birthday, sweet boy!

11:00 this morning <doorbell rings> (5-year old neighbor)

Me: Why hello!

Boy:  Hello.  Can I please speak with Chase?

Me:  Well, Chase is still at school.  But he’ll be home a little later.

Boy:  Okay.  Can you tell him Happy Birthday for me?

Me:  Of course!  That’s so nice!

Boy:  You’ll have to use your toes now.

Me:  Ummm?  Hmmm.  My toes?  What do you mean?

Boy:  <holds up all 10 fingers and looks at me like I’m clueless>  Because he’s more than ten!

Happy Birthday Chase!

cake photos coming soon…