All posts by Kirsetin

Snippets from My Week

Will 30 Rock just start, already?  That insipid Whitney is ruining my Thursday nights.


I was at lunch with my girlfriend, and she said “I was so embarrassed when I took off my boots and the masseuse saw my patheticure.” How can you not love a friend who makes us words like that?


Youngest son’s latest project:  “building” a volcano, then shooting vinegar and baking soda tinted with red food coloring out of it.  Thanks for the Christmas, gift, Grandma!


I was sitting at the kitchen island on Wednesday, hard at work on a magazine article.  My cleaning lady interrupted to ask if she should mop, since she was just there and we haven’t been home.  “No,” I said, “but you should probably vacuum in here.”  She paused and looked at me quizzically.  “I just vacuumed,” she said. “I vacuumed the whole kitchen, right up to your chair.”  What?  Really?  Good news: I am apparently very focused while working.

The End and The Beginning

My littlest son came stumbling into the kitchen this morning, giving me a cheery “Good Morning” hours before his big brothers will roll out of bed. I was already downstairs because I snuck down early this morning to get some work done.  I figured it was my best chance for productivity today. Despite the fact that it’s New Year’s Eve, our weather is lovely so the rest of the day will involved hiking the trails and heading to the park—not the best place for my laptop! So I rose early and tiptoed downstairs to write.  And to enjoy a peaceful morning, drink hot tea, and listen to birds sing in the background (presumably about this wonderful weather).  What could be nicer?
It’s also the day for those pesky resolutions.  I haven’t put any on paper yet, but the ideas are tumbling around in my head. If I have extra time today, I’ll be checking in with my favorite bloggers to see what they’re saying.  I love a little sisterly inspiration!  How about you?  Do you resolve?  Or eschew the very idea?
Thinking forward prompts me to look back. As I do, I know that one of the best moves I made this year was joining Meagan Francis’ writing class, not only because Meagan had lots of wisdom to share—although she does—but also because my classmates are such smart, interesting women.  Our interests and life experiences are diverse which gives a depth and breadth to our class that I cherish. Here’s a shout out to some wonderful women bloggers and writers—check them out this year:

Hoobing Family Adventures

Powers of Mine

My 2012 wish for them:  all they can imagine. Plus, a little luck and lots of joy.
Happy New Year!

Does Facebook tether us to the past?

After the rush-rush of the morning, with two boys off to the bus stop and one delivered to school, I enjoyed a peaceful moment alone.  I listened to the radio, sipped my early gray, and drove towards my Pilates class.
On NPR, Diablo Cody was being interviewed about the new movie Young Adult, which stars Charlize Theron and for which Ms. Cody wrote the screenplay. It’s Ms. Cody’s second screenplay to make it to the big screen; the breathtaking and award-winning Juno was her first.
Ms. Cody talked about writing the screenplay and developing the character Mavis Gary, played by Theron.  It was a fairly typical interview, and then, as they were about to wrap up, she added a short commentary that stopped me cold.  Having arrived at the gym, I stayed in my car for an extra minute and listened, transfixed. In a few simple sentences Ms. Cody was able to articulate something I’ve been wrestling with, something that’s been on the outer fringe of my consciousness, but blurry and indistinct for some time. Here’s are her clarifying words:

“I feel like I’m part of a generation of people who are stuck in the past and are really self-absorbed. I mean, we’re actually taking pictures of ourselves and posting them on Facebook, and keeping in touch with people that should have been out of our lives 15 years ago. Obsessing over who’s getting married, who’s having kids, who’s more successful. It’s like we’re recreating high school every single day using social media. And it’s weird. 

 Sentence by sentence her points resonated with me.

1.  “…stuck in the past…”  This makes me think: Can we linger in the past and fully embrace the present?

2.  “…taking pictures of ourselves and posting them…”  She’s right.  It’s weird.

3.  “people that should have been out of our lives 15 years ago…”  We grow up, we move away, we move on.  Sure, some friendships last a lifetime, but how many of your cherished lifetime friendships came about because you reconnected on Facebook or Twitter? See also points 1, 4 & 5.

4.  “Obsessing over who’s [got what].”  Enough said.

5.  “…recreating high school…”  Lord help us all.
At the heart of why her words affected me so deeply, I think, is that I like seeing old friends on Facebook.  I like knowing where people live and how many kids they have, if any.  It’s fun to see that we all turned out okay—we grew up and got our acts together and no one ended up in a ditch by the side of the road.  In high school, I mean, who could know? Even more, as a military brat my high school friends and their parents are scattered across the globe. We don’t have a common hometown where we bump into one another at the grocery store when we’re visiting our parents for Christmas. 
But all the while that I’m posting and connecting and stalking old friends’ family photos, I find something disconcerting about the whole thing. I haven’t been able to pinpoint it—I’ve danced around all of the things Ms. Cody articulated—but I didn’t let myself look in the mirror quite so closely until she held it up in front of me.
What do you think?  Does social media encourage us to become more self-focused, to concentrate on putting our shiniest, best self forward, to the detriment of authenticity with others?  Does it drag us into envy and tether us to the past with consequences for our current social and emotional growth?

I think I’ll go ask my friends on Facebook.