All posts by Kirsetin

Ski Adventure


two of  my boys, ready to go
So, snow skiing isn’t really my thing.
Let’s face it, I grew up in the south. The closest I came to being a good snow skier was when I dated a guy who was a great skier. He was born in Switzerland, took ski trips to Vermont and Utah, blah, blah, blah.  Water skiing is more my thing.
But here I am, raising kids in the land of cold and snow, so from time to time you’ll find me on the slopes.  I cheer them on as they brave the steep hills then slowly make my way towards the ones for smaller children. They’re more my speed, you know?
So it was that yesterday morning, I dragged myself out of bed way too early—and the kids, too—and headed north. (My husband, Starbucks in hand, was his usual, chipper, early-morning self.)
Me? I was a grumpy bear.
I was grumpy because I was awake, grumpy because it’s a complete hassle getting everyone into gear, and grumpy because I’m just not that good.
When we finally got out there, it took a good hour for me to shake off the grumpies.  And then? Then it was awesome!  Around 5:00 my husband suggested that maybe we should pack up for the day. But I wasn’t ready.  Back out we went, the kids flying down hills I’ll never ski, and me feeling braver, and more relaxed, on the easier hills.
Maybe an old dog can learn new tricks.

Small Gestures

Winter finally arrived!
The boys slept the entire additional two hours of the snow delay this morning, and our dog, Finn, had more fun playing while I shoveled than a dog should have in one hour. Watching Finn dart in and out of the snowdrifts made shoveling more fun, and was a lovely start to a cold wintery day.
Thinking about Finn made me think about the seemingly insignificant things that can bring us joy. A baby’s laugh. A friend’s well-timed hug. A stranger’s kindness.
That got me thinking about all of the small gestures we do for one another that can lighten our spirits.
A few weeks ago, for example, I ran into Costco for milk.  I was in a hurry and didn’t have time to grab one other thing. As I waited in line, the woman in front of me took one glance at my pathetically small purchase and let me go ahead of her overflowing cart.  She probably waited an extra 3 minutes for that kindness. On top of winning the Costco Miracle Prize for leaving with no unplanned items, I also left with a smile.
What about you? Are there small gestures that make you smile? Do you think we’re more likely to show a kind gesture when we’ve recently been the recipient?

Lighten Up

photo by Calgary Reviews

Thank you, Gretchen.
Why, you wonder?  Why am I thanking a woman I’ve never met?
I could thank her for writing a book that’s reached millions and isn’t drivel.  For writing a book that’s so well researched it made me want to run to the library and read Tolstoy and Virginia Woolf and Ann Patchett. All at once.
I could thank her for being a kindred spirit, a fellow list keeper and seeker of gold stars.  For writing a book that made me feel like I had climbed inside and was speaking from its very pages. For her age-old but still sage advice to Be Yourself.
But this isn’t a book review post.  And that’s not why I’m thanking her. 
This morning, I’m thanking her for helping me keep in check that irascible pest who lurks around the corner of my bleary-eyed mornings: my temper.  Her words were fresh in my mind as I held my tongue and tone.  They came back to me as I resisted the urge to allow a massive frown to overtake my forehead. I’d risen early to get ready before the older boys (for anyone who knows me, this tidbit—rising early—is a flaming red flag), then my youngest son and I left home twenty minutes early so I could take him for a treat of hot chocolate before school.  Before long, the aforementioned hot chocolate was all over his jeans and winter jacket.  Seven minutes before school started.
But he felt bad enough. He was worried about his jeans. Heaping my frustration on top of his feelings wasn’t necessary, wouldn’t help, could only hurt.
In her book The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin’s dedicates an entire chapter, and month of her life, to a topic it would do me good to emulate: Lighten Up.
And so this morning I tried.  I really tried. Who could imagine that a little hot chocolate could be so frustrating?  Although I must admit, in my experience anything can be frustrating that early in the morning!
So my son’s off to start his day. His jeans are a bit damp but his spirit seemed fine.
Thanks, Gretchen.