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photo credit: Simon Cocks |
Sometimes we read for enjoyment. A little sunscreen and Jane Green makes for a lovely afternoon at the beach.
Sometimes we read for information, because Lord knows we need help rearing teenagers and stripping wallpaper.
And sometimes we read because words inspire us and provoke thought and spur us to live this one life more fully.
If you haven’t been moved by words lately, reading The Journey, by Mary Oliver, ought to do it. I’d quote the entire poem here, but I’m not sure what the rules are about doing so, and you know me, Rule Follower. So click over. Take 2 minutes and read The Journey. Read it again, if you like.
Friday’s almost here; Ms. Oliver’s words are food for thought for all of us as we run around doing whatever it is we’ll be doing this weekend. And then, tell me, does it resonate for you?
Is there another poem that makes you think? One whose words climb off the page and into your psyche, visiting you again and again over time? Will you share a link?
Happy reading!