Without having to give a reason, we then crossed off any name from each others’ lists that didn’t sit well. My husband, for example, wasn’t having anything to do with Savannah (“Because we’re from Georgia,” he asked-a bit derisively, if memory serves. We’re not by the way. From Georgia.) Crossed off. I, on the other had, wasn’t going for Ann. Without an “e” for goodness sakes! We all have our issues, right? Crossed off.
So here I am, all these years later, and no, no, no, not pregnant, but I found myself playing around over at Nymbler, which claims to be “your personal baby name assistant.”
I entered a few names I liked, like Anne and Grace and Kate, and here are the names it fed me:
Really? I like Kate and you give me Johanna? How are these alike?
I accidentally clicked again, and it fed me a new batch:
These are names I could live with. Lily, in fact, was on my girl-name short list every time. Not bad Nymbler. Another good reason to give everyone (or everything) a second chance.
I will cop to loving Nymbler, too. And reading a baby naming blog. Or two. Or …
A friend of mine had a baby a few months ago and named her Lily.