Do you have one of these in your closet? Hidden in the back, maybe, beneath an old sweatshirt?

You could recycle it, or use it to store photos. OR, you could gather your children and, together, you could add a few little trinkets, things like toothpaste,
matchbox cars,
and pretty little barrettes.
You could even throw in a little treat, like this:
Then you could follow the instructions here, for Operation Christmas, and instead of an old shoe box bound for the trash, it could be magically transformed into a joy-giving gift.
One look at these faces tells me it’s true: It’s not just a shoe box anymore.
Excellent post! We have done this the past 2 years, and my daughter really gets into it – picking out presents to send to her her far away friend, she calls it. Thanks for the reminder that we need to get ours ready soon!
I love this idea! Thank you.
Love this — am bookmarking this post so our family can do this. Thank you.