For Mother’s Day this year, I am afraid I came awfully close to “Five things you should never buy as a Mother’s Day gift.” No, I didn’t go with Prairie-style pajamas or lotions, thank goodness it hasn’t come to that. And while it’s true that I didn’t give my mom a kitchen appliance or a vacuum, I’m afraid the genre of my gift isn’t that far off.
This year, I didn’t give my mom something that looks pretty.
I didn’t give her something that smells good.

And I definitely didn’t give her something tasty.
This year, I gave her a gift that will help her see my kids more often,
since she lives 700 miles away.

And even though it’s not pretty, aromatic, or tasty,
you can’t get this from flowers, perfume, or chocolate:
I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day. And I hope mine
likes her new webcam!
That is a great idea!
I’m sure she’ll love it. What an awesome gift.