Hip Mom Interviews

Hip GRAND Mom , Jeanne Schowalter

How long have you been married? 39 years

How many children do you have? 4
Ages? 31, 35, 36, 38

How do you enjoy spending time with family?
Playing pickleball, doing crossword puzzles, boating, eating together, watching grandchildren participate in their various talents.

What do you and your husband enjoy doing together? Playing watervolleyball, pickleball, watching tv, everything!

What is your favorite vacation spot? Greece

Who is your favorite movie or TV star?

How about your favorite movie? Door to Door

What are three to five books that you’ll always keep on your shelf? Bible, dictionary, large print crossword puzzles,

What about favorite children’s books? Boxcar Children

How do you spend your days? Oh, my… the list is long! Bible study, sport exercising, tv watching, organizing, etc.

What’s a job you think you might have enjoyed doing, if you had pursued a different path? Why? Teaching because I’m very enthused to share items I am knowledgeable about.

What do you feel truly passionate about in life? My family & my relationship with God.

13. PC or Mac Lover? Mac !!!

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